Tuesday 5 October 2010

LED TV to a Samsung HDTV

Okay first the bad news. The new LED HDTV will take you mad and get one when you take a good view. So if you are considering, find the LED technology, I suggest you stay away from the big box store if you want to exercise some restraint. They look so good!

But there are also some caveats about the latest technology on the market, which of course is 3D HDTV. Well, I'm here are not for you. 3D is areally cool technology, and it seems incredible, but after hearing some of my colleagues complain of headaches and dizziness, I started to see a little 'deeper. Turns out, there are some caveats you might want to know.

I'm not hung over this because I plan to get 3D on CD, a TV and use it to adjust Blu Ray - Blu-Ray. 3D I have no plans to see first how many reports of accidents and impaired vision to watch 3D TV - just to be sure. Readmore ...

These warnings are literature and support your Samsung 3D HDTV set when unpacking the group.

3D LED warnings HD TV - LCD TV Samsung warning labels personal relationship:

• "Children and adolescents may be more prone to health problems related to 3D visualization and should be monitored carefully when I look at these pictures," Samsung said on its website.

• "Some people may experience an epilepticSeizure or stroke, when exposed to certain flashing lights or lights in some photo images including television or video games.

• "If you have or have a family history of epilepsy or stroke, please consult a physician before using the 3D function," said Samsung.

• It is only those who already know they could have problems that are in danger of all is.

• "Those who can, without personal or family history of epilepsy or a strokediagnosed with the condition that the seizures, "said Samsung.

• "Pregnant women, the elderly, people with serious illnesses, those who are deprived of sleep or functionality of the influence of alcohol should be avoided by the use of 3D device.

• "Viewing 3D-TV can also cause, motion sickness, perceptual aftereffects, disorientation, eye fatigue and decreased postural stability,"

• Samsung recommends viewersfrequent breaks from watching TV in 3D, the effect of reducing the potential.

• "When you point your eyes are showing signs of fatigue or drought, or if any of the above symptoms immediately discontinue use of this device and do not reuse for at least thirty minutes after the resolution of symptoms"

Maybe I'm psychotic, but honestly I'm not very concerned about these warnings. Do not schedule days to watch 3D TV all day, all. I just want to use it whena movie once or twice a week at most. My total exposure to television is maybe 2 hours every 2 weeks. I suppose if you designed problems, the messages to look around, the 3D experience is (or was) more difficult.

Like everything else, including TV ... Everything in moderation people! You should not drink gallons of alcohol in one session and you should not watch more hours every day on TV is not 6.

As Americans, we generally do not know when to stop.It is estimated that the average teenager four hours a day watching television. What a total waste of time ... You can raise your children as you want, but you are responsible for their ability to contribute something meaningful to society. Watch TV 4 hours a day or one hour in my opinion, is ridiculous. We have something useful to occupy our minds and talk to find our children.

I think that the warnings referred to above are likely to be spent on Americans. (Yes, I am an American)Well, I love Americans, I love this country and I like what I was set up. So if Samsung puts a notice in their HDTV boxes of excessive use of 3D HDTV, it makes me wonder who should be alert to. And I think the finger at the U.S. shows.

Why a 3D HDTV at all?

The new technology means that the tech sector to continue to move in a faster clip. Even if you've never used the 3D Technology on the skill set that you purchased if you buy a 3D TV you have. Prices are a bit 'more, but if you have some kind of ideal for a pre-established plan what is a couple hundred dollars more?

And when you're ready to update your player to a Blu-ray 3D, you do not buy a brand new TV sets. So to me it only makes sense to plan ahead.

My HDTV does LED - The highest quality is high, down to move the budget is at the bottom, these are not> 3D HDTV set-favorites:

Samsung UN55B8500 $ 4,000: - sets the bar high for all HDTV sets to beat. The buck stops here. All Awesome! The Samsung has the largest local dimming LED and superb colors. Phenomenal HDTV set! (Not cheap!)

LG 55LH90 about $ 1,800 on line: This set is much cheaper than the Samsung model UN55B8500 and is almost as good. This is my favorite from this group and HDTV for the money - you can not go wronghere! But if you go to a lot of money for the Samsung mentioned above. The LG is very hard to beat at this price.

Samsung UN46B8000 $ 2,000 online (Amazon) offer incredible black levels and performance. A good price for this device.

Samsung LN46B750 $ 1,350 online (Amazon) This phrase is unclear, but a typical LCD. However, it may be hard to notice. This is an important model conventional backlight and worth every penny.

Samsung LN40B650 $ 1,000 online and a good valuethat most tax excel in this price range. This little Samsung is very difficult to beat at this price.

LG 37LH30 $ 700 - $ 750 online, 37-inch HDTV budget has a perfect picture of uneven brightness and black level, but does very well in its price constraints.

Vizio VO320E Online $ 500: 32-inch display is a big budget Vizio LCD TV with good picture quality. If a decent player Blu-ray high-definition picture convincingly used in aBudget.

Vizio VA19L about $ 200: 19-inch display has a great image and the budget was well set for the bedroom kitchen or patio.

These are all 2D HDTV regual. The three-set will be tested and we now have our results soon. If you are set on the market for a 2D high-definition televisions top should work great for you.

The HDTV scene is changing fast, so it's hard to keep with all developments. I always thought that buyingshould be made when the technology matures to be something. I'm planning a 3D HDTV, but I'll probably wait a while '. If you have received and are not concerned with the related 3D image sets described above is highly recommended not only for me but all over.

As always, enjoy the show!

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